Design production-ready system architectures
Determine and optimize assembly steps using algorithm-based priority graphs based on the geometry of 3D CAD models.
Get started
Up to
fasterassembly planning
More than
correct assembly dependencies
Up to
more efficient production processes
Step 1
Import 3D model
The tool requires a CAD model as input and extracts additional product and BOM/parts list data from interfaces to other systems or let's the user define assembly groups direcly in the app.
Step 2
Generate precedence graph
Determine the start node and other optional constraints, like last parts or specific part orders. Our algorithm will do the rest and calculate geometrically reasonable assembly dependencies by analyzing the 3D data and collisions.
Step 3
Adapt dependencies
In the web application, you can check the calculated dependencies, adapt them if the algorithm missed any, and see all parallel and sequential assembly sequences.
Step 4
Change visuals to fit your needs
Customize all widgets to your liking by changing how data is organized and shown. Fit the style and colors to make it visually more appealing and make it easy to understand your analysis on first-sight.
Step 5
Invite collaborators and share your insights
Work with collaborators to finalize the app and publish it to all users that can benefit from it. SPREAD Platform makes data and access management easy, so you can focus on creating useful applications.
Knowledge Hub
Get started
Explore what you can do with SPREAD
Get a tour of our product and its use cases from one of our experts.
With SPREAD, you can:
Create your organization's own knowledge graph to get end-to-end transparency of your product information
Visualize relationships between a product's different domains and elements and increase your team's delivery speed
Use preconfigured applications or build custom ones that give you the control and flexibility you need over the product information required for your specific use case
and much more!
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