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Design architectures with system dependencies in mind

Define and refine requirements, specify function realizations, and design and optimize components across variants.

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faster development
Up to
less errors in testing
& unhappy customers

Get a function overview

Search for your function in the functional network and get an overview of all connected components such as control units, software modules, etc. Easily understand how your function is built.

Explore functional relations

Find out which other functions use the same components. Understand relationships and dependencies that require close collaboration when changing functions and components.

Break down functions into signals

Understand which signals ultimately make up a function. Investigate sender-receiver views of all signals and get an overview of the communication network of your systems.

Product Architect

Design system architectures that drive lifecycle efficiency

With our applications, we simplify assembly planning through intelligent integration of 3D and product data. SPREAD helps you plan assembly steps faster and also optimize existing assembly processes, making them more work- and time-efficient.

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Explore what you can do with SPREAD

Get a tour of our product and its use cases from one of our experts.

With SPREAD, you can:

  • Create your organization's own knowledge graph to get end-to-end transparency of your product information
  • Visualize relationships between a product's different domains and elements and increase your team's delivery speed
  • Use preconfigured applications or build custom ones that give you the control and flexibility you need over the product information required for your specific use case
and much more!

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