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Track maturity and orchestrate releases

Monitor product maturity, manage releases, and align changes across system dependencies. Empower teams with a centralized overview to ensure readiness and improve lifecycle performance from design to production.

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faster to market
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costs reduction

Maturity overview at a glance

Track all your function development projects at product data level and get reliable data on their maturity. Understand at first sight how development is progressing and whether milestones are achievable.

Focus on the most critical components

Find out which functions, SW modules or other components are most critical based on their status and dependencies to other functions. This helps you prioritize resources and ensure rapid development.

Easily track reported errors

Reported problems and bugs are directly linked to the corresponding component, function, etc. in our information model. This makes it easier to track issues in detail and makes maturity levels dependent on the number of reported open issues.

Action Tower

Gain complete visibility and control over product data and performance

Live dashboards for all management levels based on real, reliable product data create a data-based truth that enables your team to make effective decisions.

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Explore what you can do with SPREAD

Get a tour of our product and its use cases from one of our experts.

With SPREAD, you can:

  • Create your organization's own knowledge graph to get end-to-end transparency of your product information
  • Visualize relationships between a product's different domains and elements and increase your team's delivery speed
  • Use preconfigured applications or build custom ones that give you the control and flexibility you need over the product information required for your specific use case
and much more!

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